Charles Key

Author of Stolen Government and The Final Report on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building

Warrior for Truth & Transparency in Government

Leader and educator for Grassroots and Citizen Activism

Financial Advisor – Key Financial Advisors LLC

Former Oklahoma State Representative

Born in Lubbock, Texas, and raised in Oklahoma, I consider myself an Okie. I have been in politics for most of my adult life and was elected to the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1986 to 1998 and again from 2006 to 2012. The first tenure as a member of the minority and the second tenure as a member of the majority party.  This gave me a unique perspective on how legislative bodies actually work, particularly behind the scenes.

Serving in the legislature during times when the political winds kept changing, I got an exclusive peek behind the curtain of governance, and the power plays that come with it. No matter who was in charge, Democrats or Republicans, I saw the same worrying patterns: the tug-of-war for power and the corruption that often goes with it. These weren’t just one-off incidents but part of a bigger, more troubling picture that went beyond party ideologies. I realized the real issue was with the nature of political power itself.

My 30+ year journey through the political landscape taught me a lot, and I believe we're in dire need of a big shake-up in how our government works. I’m glad you care enough to learn why our political system has gone off the rails and what can be done to save it! I’m glad you’re here, and I look forward to working with you!